How to Overcome IP Block

How to Overcome IP Block

Yesterday had experienced this problem so let not my experience made ​​redundant wrote this article. IP issues in block (Blocked) is usually not far away from the abuse and spam, this problem had happened to me yesterday and managed to make me dizzy desperate for almost an hour. Well, whose name in the IP block is a problem that must be completed quickly, although it could be by using software like Hide IP and the like, but of course it would be very uncomfortable for browsing, downloading and other Internet activities. So how do I fix this?

Solution to 1
Uninstall all programs hide IP lawyer who is on your computer. I experienced problems caused by software Hide IP, maybe the program error or do not understand how my own. But clearly it was after using it the next day my computer IP addresses in the block, and after doing some exhaustive research (cieeeeee. .. ngook) IP turned my pc came from Saudi Arabia and into the IP Addres spam list. Well, thankfully successfully solved the problem after I uninstalled the program Hide IP.

Solution to 2
If the first method fails, make sure you are in are in a more complicated problem (well, basically every problem that we do not know the actual solution is COMPLICATED). Before entering into the next stage know in advance whether your IP into the category of dynamic IP or static IP.

How to Check and ensure the dynamic IP / static
1. Click
2. Note the IP number that appears
3. Restart or disconnect your modem connection
4. Connect / connect / connect your modem again
5. Click
6. Note the IP number that appears, compared with the IP number before the restart / reconnect. If you changed the connection including dynamic IP, if your connection is still the same means including a static IP or proxy implementing its ISPs.

Solution if your computer IP Dynamic
in ways that can be done (done in sequence, if the first way does not work, how do 2, 3, etc.):

Method 1: Disconnect and reconnect the modem, if IP is Blocked, broken-connect the modem and then log in again, keep doing things like this to get the IP that is not blocked. If it does not work the way up to 2

Method 2: Your DNS settings manually. Use Google DNS standards. How:
        Click Start> Settings Control Panel> Network Connection
        Right click on the modem or LAN connection or you are using, and select Properties
        Click the Networking tab> Internet Protocol (TCP / IP)
        Click on Properties
        Select Use the following DNS server Addresses
        Fill in the Prefered DNS server:
        Fill in the Alternate DNS server:
        Click the OK button
If still in Blocked, try Method 3

Method 3: Visit / contact your ISP (internet provider) you, ask for an IP is not blocked, or request be set so as not to be blocked. If the ISP does not provide a solution, use Method 4

Method 4: Setting proxy manually. You do this by changing the proxy. Before setting proxy manually, there are a few things to note:

Speed ​​will decrease, because you "ride" on other people's connections
The risk of interception by the proxy that has, for all your online activity going through their servers. Because it gives a chance for manual proxies, do not open the data of a personal nature and do not change-change proxy remote location.

If many of the above does not work, then there is no other way but to wait for the IP block is revoked or otherwise CHANGE CONNECTION / CHANGE ISP.

Solution if your computer IP Static
Method 1: Your DNS settings manually. Use Google DNS standards. How:
        Click Start> Settings Control Panel> Network Connection
        Right click on the modem or LAN connection or you are using, and select Properties
        Click the Networking tab> Internet Protocol (TCP / IP)
        Click on Properties
        Select Use the following DNS server Addresses
        Fill in the Prefered DNS server:
        Fill in the Alternate DNS server:
        Click the OK button
If the IP is Blocked, try Method 2

Method 2: Visit / contact your ISP (internet provider) you, ask for an IP is not blocked, or request be set so as not to be blocked. If the ISP does not provide a solution, use Method 3

Method 3: Setting proxy manually. You do this by changing the proxy. Before setting proxy manually, there are a few things to note:

Speed ​​will decrease, because you "ride" on other people's connections
The risk of interception by the proxy that has, for all your online activity going through their servers. Because it gives a chance for manual proxies, do not open the data of a personal nature and do not change-change proxy remote location.

If many of the above does not work, then there is no other way but to wait for Blocking IP revoked except CHANGE CONNECTION / CHANGE ISP.

May be useful
^ ^

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